Two underage pupils under the desks

Prepare For an Earthquake: How to Avoid Physical and Financial Losses

Preparing for natural disasters especially earthquake is important to save your life as well as property. Earthquakes can strike any place anytime without any warning, which is why you are always advised to be ready for any possible shock. You cannot do certainly with magnitude of earthquake and its aftershocks, but you can do enough to prevent yourself from physical and financial loses. However, to know that, preparing for earthquake is important.

What You can Do to Prepare for an Earthquake

Some people may think it a useless thing but emergency preparedness for earthquake can save you from many hassles during and after earthquake. Here are some recommended checklists by emergency and management agencies you can consider in order to preparing for an earthquake:

Before An Earthquake Strikes

Preparing for earthquake does not require any special arrangements. All you need is to ensure you place household goods in an ordered form. Here is what you should be doing before an earthquake occurs.

First off, you must place your heavy household goods on lower shelves. Do not place them on heights as if earthquake rattles the shelves, heavier stuff on them can pose serious problems. Moreover, make sure you zip shelves safely to walls.

In order to avoid financial loss, you must store breakable stuff in lower and closed shelves. You can also store them in cabinets and buckets but they should be closed.

If there is something, you need to hang, be sure it is away from your bed. Hang them at least five to four feet away from your bed to ensure it would not fall on you if earthquake occurs.
Light fixtures must be braced.

Wireless electric dog fence system, gas, and water pipelines should be repaired. Besides, tell everyone in your home how to turn off light, gas, and water.

You must have an idea about places where you can stay safe, but away from buildings, electrical lines, and bridges.

Even though earthquakes do not last long but they can leave huge impacts. Therefore, you must prepare yourself with respect to basic needs. Get your food supplies, storage kits, living kits and other necessities ready in order to survive in emergency. These things require long term planning which is why you should start preparing your food storage and other supplies from now.

While an Earthquake Occurs

  • Take cover under a strong piece of furniture such as your bed or high sofa
  • Do not try to leave immediately as it could be the dangerous thing to do
  • If you are outside home, then be sure to stay at an open place away from streetlights and buildings
  • Do not go inside home until the shaking stops
  • If you are driving, then park your vehicle along the roadside

After Earthquake

  • Be ready for aftershocks that can last for months
  • Look injured and trapped people in and around your home to help them out of the crisis
  • Do not go under damaged buildings
  • Inspect your home for damages